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4 Quick and Healthy Ways to enjoy delicious Raw Buckwheat Honey

1. On wholemeal bread. Traditional bread from the Baltic region is dense and flavourful, sometimes with a hint of sourness. A topping of Buckwheat Honey and butter on this dark rye bread makes the perfect afternoon snack.  

2. With buckwheat porridge. Buckwheat porridge is a traditional breakfast food in the Baltic states. This porridge is gluten-free, and high in fiber, antioxidants and complex carbohydrates, which are an excellent source of lasting energy. A generous helping of Buckwheat Honey is the perfect compliment to the earthy flavour of this porridge. 

3. With buckwheat pancakes. Buckwheat pancakes are another delicious breakfast treat. A drizzle of Buckwheat Honey adds the perfect caramel sweetness to these healthy pancakes. 

4. With nuts or nut butters. The malty and earthy flavour of Buckwheat Honey combines perfectly with a variety of nuts and nut butters. 


Raw Buckwheat Honey is not only delicious, but has several health benefits and even compares favourably to Manuka Honey in a few important ways.  

Click here to try our raw Buckwheat Honey.